Starring Skillsoft, Newcastle University and Powerschool: ETIH rolls out the biggest education technology news stories of the week

Yesterday was a significant day for many students across the UK as they collect their A-level results. We at EdTech Innovation Hub are sending our best wishes to all the students who have worked so hard to reach this milestone. A huge thank you also goes out to the teachers who have guided and supported these students through their studies—your dedication and effort do not go unnoticed.

While the focus this week has is on educational achievements, the world of edtech continues to evolve at a rapid pace. We've gathered the latest stories that highlight the innovations, partnerships, and developments shaping the future of education.

Here are the top stories from the past seven days that you need to know about:

Surge in STEM A-Level entries highlights bright future for UK science and technology

As the 2024 A-Level results are released across the UK, there is notable optimism for the future of the science and technology industries, driven by a substantial increase in the number of students opting for STEM subjects. 

Over one million qualifications were awarded this year, spanning A/AS Levels, vocational and technical qualifications (VTQs), and T Levels.

The increase in STEM subject entries is a promising sign for the future of the UK’s science and technology sectors. As industries increasingly rely on digital skills and technological innovation, the need for a workforce proficient in STEM subjects has never been more critical.

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Skillsoft highlights top skills and career paths for A-Level leavers on results day 2024

A recent Press Association Survey highlights that Russell Group universities are advertising nearly 3,900 openings for domestic undergraduate courses starting this autumn—almost double the number available at the same time last year. This surge in vacancies provides students with more options to secure a university place through the clearing process.

However, for those considering alternatives to university or those unsure about their career direction, Skillsoft's latest report offers some interesting insights. The report identifies key sectors experiencing significant skills gaps and actively seeking new talent.

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Study highlights top AI tools of 2024: chatbots and creative AI lead the way

A recent study conducted by Linkee, based on a comprehensive analysis of Google Trends data, has highlighted the most popular AI tools and technologies in use today.

 The study identifies the most frequently searched AI categories and tracks the surge in interest across various AI applications, focusing on developments from July 2024.

Chatbots and AI Conversational Tools are leading the list, which amassed nearly 260 million searches. This category includes popular tools such as ChatGPT and Google AI. Notably, while receiving fewer searches compared to other tools in this category, Gemini AI showed the most significant increase in interest, with a 3150% rise in searches.

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PowerSchool expands AI-powered education tools across Middle East and Africa

PowerSchool has announced new partnerships with schools in the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon.

"We are thrilled to see the strong demand for our solutions, particularly our most recent AI-tools like PowerBuddy and MyPowerHub across the Middle East and Africa. Given our deep investment in the region we are uniquely positioned to provide best-in-class solutions tailored to educators that will enable them to deliver high-quality education for generations to come," said Stewart Monk, Senior Vice President and General Manager International at PowerSchool.

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Newcastle University implements Explorance Blue and MLY to improve student surveys and feedback analysis

Newcastle University has announced the implementation of Explorance Blue and Explorance MLY, tools aimed at improving its approach to student surveys.

The university, a member of the Russell Group, previously used a different system for managing student surveys.

Rachel Dearlove, Head of Education Policy and Governance at Newcastle University, explained, "The system we were using was clunky, so, as well as the comment analysis issue, it no longer fitted our institutional need."

John Atherton, VP Sales EMEA at Explorance, commented, "We are delighted to extend our partnership with Newcastle University, and support the institution in providing a really comprehensive approach to capturing and analysing quantitative and qualitative feedback from their student community."

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AI-driven teacherless classrooms launched in London: Is education ready for the shift?

As artificial intelligence continues to make inroads into various sectors, its impact on education is becoming increasingly significant.

The launch of the UK's first AI-driven teacherless classrooms at David Game College, a co-educational institution in London, raises critical questions about the education sector's readiness for such a profound shift.

Set to begin with the first cohort of GCSE students in September, the bold approach aims to transform the traditional learning experience by integrating advanced technology into the classroom. 

John Dalton, Co-Principal of David Game College, addressed potential concerns about the radical nature of this programme: "While the notion of classrooms without teachers might seem radical, our aim is to enhance learning, not replace teachers."

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Reading Horizons relaunches AI-driven Science of Reading Collective for literacy educators


AI-driven mindset training to be integrated into SHREDmill platform by Success Beyond Game Day and XPE