Best Parents aids summer camps affected by college protests in America

Best Parents, an education technology platform connecting teenagers with college-preparatory summer camps and academic enrichment programmes, is taking steps to assist businesses impacted by recent protests on college campuses in America.

The protests, primarily driven by students advocating for Palestinian rights, have notably affected summer camps affiliated with Best Parents, particularly those hosted on college campuses such as UCLA. In response, Best Parents is actively engaging with camp operators to negotiate flexible terms and conditions that support the well-being of families and aid camp operators in mitigating their financial losses.

Burcin Advani, CEO and Co-Founder of Best Parents, stated:

"Some small businesses are still recovering from the struggles they faced during the 2020 pandemic. Many of these camps had just secured rebuilding loans and were beginning to see success again.

“However, the ongoing protests pose a threat of additional and significant losses for stakeholders in the international education market. We are determined to ensure these camps not only survive but thrive in these challenging times."

To address the financial impact, Best Parents is working with affected camps to calculate their losses, which will be proposed to the government for reimbursement. Additionally, Best Parents is assisting families in finding alternative camp locations and programmes for their children if their original options were disrupted by the protests.

Advani continued:

"Due to the impact of these protests on certain camp locations, we recognise the critical importance of ensuring the safety and peace of mind of both parents and campers.

“That's why we're actively engaging with camp owners to advocate for flexible terms and conditions. We are championing a system that prioritises the well-being of families while supporting camp operators in mitigating their losses. It's a delicate balance, but one we're committed to achieving.”


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