O'Reilly Launches DEIJ Scholarship for Tech Diversity and Inclusion

O'Reilly has announced the opening of applications for its annual scholarship programme focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ). The programme aims to support individuals from underrepresented groups in the technology field by providing 500 recipients with a year of free access to the O'Reilly learning platform. Applications are accepted until 1st April. 

The scholarship offers recipients unlimited access to over 5,000 courses, live events such as the Superstream Series, and a comprehensive library of books published by O'Reilly. It also includes preparatory materials for industry-relevant certifications, interactive labs, and the opportunity to earn digital badges that can be showcased on social media and through email.

Laura Baldwin, President of O'Reilly, highlighted the scholarship's goal of addressing the need for diversity and skill development in technology: "To create the best world possible, O'Reilly continuously strives to empower deserving and marginalised communities with the tools to accelerate their careers and positively impact the world around them. 

“The DEIJ scholarship programme provides a heightened opportunity for underrepresented groups to upskill, develop new skills, or begin a career in technology by providing unfettered access to the highest quality tools and resources within our platform."

The scholarship is part of O'Reilly's broader effort to increase diversity within the technology industry. In 2023, the company achieved a 50% representation rate from underrepresented tech groups among new instructors, authors, and speakers, with nearly 70% of its Superstream Series speakers coming from these groups. O'Reilly has set a goal to maintain at least 50% representation from underrepresented groups among new talent and hires.

The company reported that women comprised 45% of its executive leadership team and accounted for 50% of promotions within the past year, a significant increase from the previous year. Of the new hires in 2023, 63% identified as members of underrepresented groups.

For more information on the DEIJ scholarship or O'Reilly's diversity and inclusion initiatives, individuals can visit the company's website.

Baldwin concluded, "At a time when skills-based talent is crucial for the future of work, the DEIJ scholarship bridges the gap for individuals to develop and sharpen the important technical skills needed to break through employment barriers."


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