Aura unveils Digital Parenthood to boost online family safety

Aura, a provider of online safety solutions for individuals and families, has announced the launch of its Digital Parenthood initiative in the USA. It will include an inaugural summit, a free digital community, and a study providing insights into how families interact with technology. 

Aura, known for its real-time monitoring and alert systems that help detect and mitigate online threats such as scams, predators, and cyberbullying, aims to equip parents with the tools they need to support their children's healthy use of technology.

The increasing use of technology among children has raised concerns about their health and well-being. Issues such as sleep deprivation, reduced physical activity, cyberbullying, online predators, and mental health problems highlight the need for improved support tools for parents. 

Through Digital Parenthood, Aura will bring together experts in research, medicine, child psychology, education, and advocacy to foster a national conversation around healthy online behaviours and provide parents with the necessary resources to help their children navigate the digital world safely.

The coalition's inaugural partners include the American Academy of Pediatrics, Common Sense Media, Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, Walton Family Foundation, and Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

The organisations will collaborate to ensure the summit and ongoing programming meet the needs of families and bring important technology-related discussions into the public sphere.

On 4th June, Aura will launch several events and initiatives, including:

Digital Parenthood Summit on Raising a Connected Generation

This summit, held at The Times Center in New York City, will feature authoritative voices on parenting, social media use, and adolescent well-being, including Dr. Becky Kennedy, Dr. Marc Brackett, and Dr. Lisa Damour, in conversation with journalist Reena Ninan. 

The event will include fireside chats, roundtables, workshops, and presentations, offering parents advice on navigating cyberbullying and social pressures. Session recordings will be available on Aura's YouTube channel.

Digital Parenthood Community

Aura will introduce a free online forum where parents can connect with peers and experts on safety-related issues tied to technology use. The community will feature resources and conversations from experts like those from Boston Children's Hospital, providing a virtual support group for parents.

Jill Murphy, Chief Content Officer at Common Sense Media, said: 

"After twenty years of studying what helps young people thrive in a digital world, Common Sense Media remains firm that open communication between parents, children, and their surrounding communities is critical. 

“We support Aura for creating a safe space for these discussions and building awareness on these important issues facing kids and families."

Report on Parenting in a Digital Age

In 2024, Aura will release a report based on insights into adolescent behaviours and findings from a national survey conducted with Gallup. The report aims to inform healthier online behaviours and empower families.

To mark the launch of the Digital Parenthood initiative, Aura will sponsor an NBC News Town Hall titled "Digital Parenting: Raising the A.I. Generation." This event, streaming for free on NBC News NOW on June 4 at 9:00 pm ET, will feature discussions on parenting, technology use, and family well-being with experts and community leaders anchored by NBC News' Kate Snow and Savannah Sellers.

Hari Ravichandran, Aura's Founder and CEO, stated: 

"Aura's mission has always been to make the internet safe for every family, and we believe that the Digital Parenthood initiative represents the next phase of critical protection.

"The time is now to examine the content consumed, discuss the social pressures kids face today, and support parents as they navigate this exceedingly complex risk with their children."


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