Study reveals educational barriers to tech careers for UK youth

A new study conducted by BAE Systems Digital Intelligence suggests significant educational barriers deterring young Britons from pursuing careers in technology. 

The report, titled "Driving Digital Diversity," surveyed over 2,000 UK residents, including individuals working inside and outside the tech and cybersecurity sectors, states that 42% believe a lack of IT and tech education in primary and secondary schools is a major obstacle to entering the tech industry.

Five primary concerns were identified: the assumption that a tech or IT-oriented degree is necessary (49%), insufficient tech education at primary and secondary levels (42%), the portrayal of tech careers as unattractive or unexciting (41%), the financial cost of tech education (29%), and a general lack of understanding about the opportunities available in the tech field (29%).

Theresa Palmer, Global Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, emphasised the importance of early education in shaping career choices:

“It’s clear that respondents’ formative years play a pivotal role in shaping their ideas about tech careers. There’s a misconception that an IT orientated degree is necessary to enter the industry, despite many tech roles not requiring a degree level qualification.

“This begins at school, where more action needs to be taken to promote careers in the field as attractive options that are open to everybody. The industry itself has a big part to play here, through better showcasing alternative routes into tech and placing a greater focus on transferable skill sets and people skills in job applications.”

The study also highlights the critical role of DEI in the tech industry, suggesting that greater emphasis on inclusivity could help address the sector's skills gap, estimated to cost the UK's digital economy £63 billion annually. 

According to the findings, 73% of respondents believe the IT industry should do more to encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds, a sentiment that rises to 83% among those working in tech and 90% among cybersecurity professionals.

Palmer further noted the necessity of broad-based collaboration to overcome these barriers:

“Businesses with a diverse and inclusive workforce perform better and in turn generate different ideas, approaches and skill sets. The benefits are manifold, ranging from improving morale, boosting problem solving abilities, filling skills gaps and improving financial results. Addressing the lack of significant change in DE&I is therefore a matter of urgency and should be approached like any other business issue.”

BAE Systems has partnered with InnovateHer, a social enterprise encouraging girls and non-binary students aged 13-16 to consider STEM careers to further this goal.

Palmer said of the collaboration:

“Only through working closely with the broader tech ecosystem, including government, the education sector and specialist social enterprises, such as InnovateHer, can we truly address perceived barriers.

“Collaboration is essential to developing more effective curricula, driving place-based initiatives and offering a greater breadth of opportunities to people at an early age.”

Chelsea Slater, CEO and Co-Founder of InnovateHer, shared her views on the impact of these initiatives:

“By addressing the gaps in tech education at school level, we are empowering young people to break stereotypes and envision a future in the sector.

“Through our programmes in partnership with businesses such as BAE Systems, we pave the way for a more inclusive tech landscape. Together, we're ensuring that more young people feel encouraged and equipped to embark on a fulfilling career journey in tech.” 


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