Freedomology launches to promote holistic wellness with free 40-Day health programme

Freedomology, a new technology and coaching company, has announced its launch along with a free 40-day health programme beginning on 21 July.

Freedomology integrates physical and mental health practices with financial and relational well-being. The approach encourages self-acceptance, self-awareness, and self-improvement, aiming for sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes.

Greg Clement, CEO of Freedomology, emphasised the company's holistic philosophy: 

"At Freedomology, we believe that balance is everything. Improving your physical and mental health, enhancing relationships, and building assets is a science. 

“Our health sprint helps people achieve 'happy health' through self-acceptance, self-awareness, and self-improvement."

The H40 health sprint is Freedomology’s main programme, offering a 40-day path to holistic wellness. Participants undergo health assessments, receive personalised coaching, and engage in community-driven activities. The first H40 sprint earlier this year saw over 1,100 participants, demonstrating the programme's effectiveness.

Subscription-Based Service

Freedomology operates as a subscription-based service, offering wellness programmes that include health, financial, and relational modules. 

The H40 programme adopts a comprehensive approach, covering physical, mental, and environmental health. It introduces the "Happy Health" concept, focusing on balanced health, happiness, and self-acceptance. 

It includes holistic modules such as morning routines, nutrition, exercise, personal finance, and sleep. One of the key routines is ADAM (activate, drink, appreciate, meditate), designed to promote a proactive start to the day.

Also incorporated is a carb-fasting diet strategy to boost energy, improve focus, and promote fat loss. It places a significant emphasis on mental health, linking daily habits and routines directly to mental well-being. The programme encourages sustainable lifestyle modifications to ensure long-term benefits and lasting results.


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