Aura and Givebacks launch programme to train parents as online safety officers in US schools

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, parents are increasingly concerned about the safety of their children online. The challenges are mounting: from cyberbullying to the mental health effects of social media use, children today face a host of online risks that were unimaginable just a decade ago. 

Aura and Givebacks have launched an initiative to train parents as Online Safety Officers (OSOs) in schools across the USA. 

The project reflects a broader effort to empower communities to actively safeguard children’s online experiences. With technology becoming increasingly integral to everyday life, the need for localised, hands-on approaches to digital safety has grown. Schools, often on the front lines of these challenges, are working with parents in efforts to protect children online.

“Our mission at Aura is to make the internet safer, and doing so requires that we put the power to protect kids back into the hands of parents,” said Hari Ravichandran, CEO and founder of Aura.

Under the programme, Aura and Givebacks will train 150 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members and other school representatives to become certified OSOs. These officers will receive training to act as digital safety advocates within their school districts. The training covers topics such as establishing healthy online habits, recognising online dangers, and addressing cyberbullying.

The training for OSOs will be conducted through virtual workshops, where participants will learn from educational experts and receive a detailed curriculum to guide their local efforts. These sessions are designed to equip parents with the tools and knowledge they need to support online safety in their communities.

The initiative also includes the distribution of take-home kits, which will provide resources for parents to manage their children’s online activities. These kits will support the OSOs in promoting safer online environments at home and in schools.

The Digital Parenthood: Home Base programme, which includes the OSO initiative, also plans a nationwide Online Safety Town Hall tour in 2025. This tour aims to engage more parents and communities by offering additional resources and support. Users of the Givebacks app will have access to a complimentary 30-day membership of Aura Parental Controls.

"It's not enough to simply share resources, which is why we're looking to deputies to champion online safety in town halls, at PTAs, PTOs, and anywhere else parents of school-aged kids are gathered," Ravichandran concluded.


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