2024 CoSN report highlights key EdTech Trends

A new EdTech report from the USA has been released. The "Driving K-12 Innovation Report" examines the main challenges, driving forces, and technological advancements influencing educational innovation for the coming year.

 This analysis is based on insights gathered from over 140 educators and IT professionals in the U.S. and internationally, offering a comprehensive look at the education technology landscape.

Here are ETIH’s top ten takeaways from the report: 

AI and Machine Learning Integration

Schools are adopting these technologies for personalised learning, administrative task automation, and performance analytics. AI's capability to analyse vast amounts of data enables the creation of personalised learning paths for students. 

AI tools streamline administrative tasks, reducing the workload on educators and allowing them to focus more on teaching and student interaction. The report suggests tasks such as grading, attendance tracking, and even certain aspects of communication can be automated, improving efficiency. 

The report also suggests that educators must be upskilled to leverage AI in teaching and learning effectively. It highlights the necessity of professional development programs that equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to integrate AI into their practices, ensuring they are prepared for an AI-enhanced educational environment.

AR/VR for Immersive Learning

Augmented and Virtual Reality are being used for interactive learning experiences. The report explores AR/VR technologies as crucial tools for immersive learning, emphasising their potential to transform traditional education methods. 

The report suggests that AR/VR can enhance comprehension and retention of complex subjects by allowing students to visualise and interact with the material in innovative ways. 

These technologies enable interactive learning experiences that can transport students beyond a classroom, offering simulations, virtual field trips, and hands-on experiences in a virtual environment.

Digital Equity Initiatives

Efforts are increasing to provide all students with technology and internet access. 

The report discusses digital equity initiatives as crucial efforts to close the technology access gap. It emphasises the increasing endeavours across educational sectors to ensure all students have access to the necessary technology and internet connectivity, recognising these as fundamental resources for modern learning.

Enhanced Cybersecurity Measures 

As technology use grows, protecting student data and infrastructure becomes crucial. The report advocates for a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, encompassing not just the implementation of advanced security technologies but also the cultivation of a robust cyber-awareness culture among students, educators, and administrators. It stresses the importance of multi-layered security strategies to defend against a range of cyber threats, from phishing and ransomware to sophisticated attacks targeting the Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Blended Learning Models

Combining online and in-person instruction is gaining popularity for flexible learning. The report highlights the increasing popularity of blended learning models as they facilitate personalised learning paths, enabling students to manage their learning pace, place, and time more effectively.

 However, the need for robust infrastructure, teacher training, and curricular integration to fully realise its benefits is also highlighted. 

Data-Driven Instruction Expansion

Data analytics is becoming more common for informing teaching strategies. This trend reflects an increasing emphasis on leveraging data to customise and enhance learning experiences, identify student needs, and adjust instructional approaches accordingly. 

Machine Learning algorithms provide deep insights into student performance, identifying patterns that may not be evident through traditional analysis.

Cloud-Based Services Use

Cloud computing is supporting educational technology with scalable resources. The report discusses the support of cloud computing in educational technology, highlighting its role in offering scalable resources for learning and administration. 

Cloud services enable schools to access a broad range of applications and storage options without significant upfront costs, facilitating a more flexible and responsive educational environment. The tech enables anywhere, anytime learning. 

Mobile Learning Growth

Perhaps somewhat controversial for UK educators, US education is becoming more accessible through mobile-optimised resources. This trend reflects an increasing shift towards using smartphones and tablets as primary learning tools, enabling students to access educational content anytime and anywhere.

 The report emphasises the importance of designing learning materials that are responsive and easily navigable on mobile devices. 

Competency-Based Education Platforms Rise

The report highlights the rising importance of competency-based education platforms, allowing students to progress at their own pace. These platforms facilitate personalised learning pathways, enabling students to demonstrate mastery of skills and knowledge before moving forward. 

SEL Technologies Integration

Tools supporting social and emotional learning are being integrated into educational technology. The report suggests that incorporating SEL technologies can enhance the learning experience by supporting students' emotional well-being, improving classroom climate, and promoting a more inclusive and empathetic school culture. 

Click here to read the full report. 


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