How schools can improve safety with smarter communication and zoned alerts

Josh Dean, CEO of Audiebant, discusses the importance of effective communication in school safety procedures. With recent knife attacks in UK schools bringing security concerns to the forefront, he examines how tailored messaging, zoned communication, and rehearsed response plans can help ensure the right actions are taken in emergency situations.

Recent knife attacks in UK schools have pushed student protection right up the governmental agenda. In 2024, a knife attack by a student on two teachers at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman school in Carmarthenshire, Wales, caused injuries to both victims. And in February of this year, a boy was arrested after stabbing another student in a school in Sheffield, suffering serious injuries as a result.

The UK Government has taken steps to reduce the threat of knife crime by making it an imprisonable offense to own, make, transport, or sell zombie-style knives and machetes. Martyn’s Law will also mean education settings are better protected against different threats, such as students carrying knives, gang violence, learners or staff suffering a mental health crisis, or people with grievances that are not tied to an ideology.

But legislative changes can only do so much to protect students and staff from threats. Evacuation and lockdown procedures within school settings often lack transparent, effective communication. People are unsure of the action to take during a panicked situation, and they might also be unaware of the location of the threat. Now should be the time when education settings review their procedures and strategies and ensure they are fit for purpose.

Ensuring the right response with clear communication

Educational institutions have a lot of competing priorities to contend with. Against the backdrop of continued funding challenges and staff shortages, a key priority among teachers and staff is ensuring that students receive the best education. It may be that procedures to respond effectively to security threats are down on paper, but under-resourced and time-poor staff may have had little time to consider how they would be enacted in response to a real incident, and whether the plan would be effective.

For example, schools know how to respond to fire drills. People instinctively know from an early age how to act when a fire alarm sounds. But it’s less likely that students and staff know what to do in response to a different type of threat. In an attack situation, for example, the broadcast of a single, inflexible sound or message gives no indication as to the action needed.

Additionally, if a message is unable to be differentiated between floors, areas, or buildings on a school campus, it could even put staff and students in danger by inadvertently directing them towards threats and away from safe exits.

During an attack, how do schools ensure appropriate responses from the people on their premises?

Enabling zoned messages

Educational settings need tailored messaging to help keep students and staff safe. The solution is to incorporate zoned capabilities, allowing different instructions to go to different areas of a premises at the same time. For example, if an attacker is outside the school gates, a site-wide lockdown to keep people safely inside may be the best option. But in the case of a threat coming from within, such as the school grounds or a specific building on campus, a safer strategy might be instructing some people to evacuate the area to escape the danger, while others stay put in a safe space.

The capability to deliver different messages to different people in emergency situations is first and foremost an effective measure against potential threats in school settings. But this feature also aligns with guidance by the National Protective Security Authority and Counter Terrorism Policing, which states that an effective announcement is one that is explicit about the threat, provides accurate location information of attackers, and tells people exactly the exits or zones they need to proceed to for their own safety.

Technology in tandem with a rehearsed incident response plan

Zoned mass communication systems are highly effective at ensuring the safety of students and staff, but they are also simple to use for authorized personnel. Via an intuitive app, staff can initiate a critical broadcast from an easily accessible device, such as their phone. During a panicked situation, staff may find it difficult to send calm instructions. AI text-to-speech capabilities simplify the process and ensure a clear, concise message is sent as soon as possible. Alongside audio, tailored messages can also be distributed to staff and students in other ways. For example, teachers in a school can download an app for receiving visual alerts via their devices during an incident, allowing them to instruct students about the safest course of action.

It's then key that this technology complements a comprehensive and thorough incident response plan that is constantly rehearsed and tested. Staff should receive training on signs of suspicious activity, potential threats, and how to report concerns to authorities. Regular live drills that simulate attack scenarios can allow teachers and other staff to practice their response skills. Local forces can coordinate with planned drills to add further realism.

Keeping our educational settings safe

While recent legislative measures, such as Martyn’s Law, and stricter penalties for knife-related crimes are essential steps in improving security within educational settings, they are only part of the solution. The real challenge lies in ensuring effective, clear communication and response strategies during emergencies. Schools must invest in the appropriate technologies, such as zoned mass communication systems, to provide targeted and timely instructions in the event of a threat.

Combined with regular drills, staff training, and thorough, rehearsed incident response plans, staff and students can react swiftly and appropriately in crisis situations. Educational institutions can better safeguard their communities, ensuring that schools remain a safe environment for both learning and personal growth.


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