Macmillan Learning Launches New Institute with ‘Teaching with Generative AI’ Course for Educators

Macmillan Learning, a digital education company, announced today the launch of its Professional Development Institute. The institute will start on May 13 with "Teaching with Generative AI: A Course for Educators," a two-month, facilitator-led programme focusing on AI in education.

The programme is structured to provide participants with hands-on experience in creating AI policies for educational courses, developing assignments that highlight AI's functionalities and limitations, and facilitating discussions with students about AI usage. 

The course format combines asynchronous and synchronous learning, workshops, and discussion platforms, enabling educators from various disciplines and institutions to connect and learn.

Leasa Burton, SVP of Pedagogical Design at Macmillan Learning, commented on the initiative, “This institute was developed to empower educators to meet modern teaching challenges.

“I'm most excited to see the connections and relationships educators form with their fellow participants as they experiment with generative AI together in order to develop their own expertise. We know that having colleagues to lean on can have a tremendous impact on your success as an instructor.”

The curriculum is designed to encourage educators to reflect on their teaching methods and the application of AI technologies. Weekly assignments serve as practical guides for classroom implementation alongside an interactive element to facilitate idea exchange among educators.

Beyond the course content, the institute aims to build a community of practice, supporting participants in demonstrating expertise, learning from peers, and engaging in a community. This framework supports participants' knowledge advancement and professional development in the educational field.

The course developed for educators at colleges and universities, is a collaborative effort by Macmillan Learning’s editorial, product, and learning science teams. It aims to foster discussion, explore educational topics, and address challenges in education. Participants will receive badges upon completion, recognising their skills in teaching with Generative AI.

Burton further stated, “Recognising the self-motivation and diverse experiences that lifelong learners bring, the Institute creates an opportunity for participants to share knowledge and experiences, which is vital for growth and innovation in education. There are few areas within education that are having the kind of impact that Gen AI is, so we are looking forward to connecting learners in our community who want to explore that with others.”

For more information, visit the Institute at Macmillan Learning website.


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