Tech She Can and MCC Digital Launch Pilot to Boost STEM Access for Young Women

MCC Digital, alongside the charity Tech She Can, has initiated a pilot programme to enhance technology access in schools. Founded in 2021, Tech She Can is dedicated to increasing the visibility and accessibility of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers for women, offering interactive lessons and free online resources to encourage the next generation of female tech professionals.

With four decades of experience integrating technology into UK educational institutions, MCC Digital is working with Tech She Can on the project. The collaboration, which started last autumn, provided Tech She Can with advanced technological tools to conduct workshops for the 'Tech We Can' programme, designed for male and female students.

The initiative involved visits to ten primary schools in the West Midlands, particularly in underprivileged areas or those with outdated technology resources. These sessions covered topics like technology's role in environmental conservation, the arts, and sports and introduced students to diverse tech careers. 

Over 500 students in years 5 and 6 engaged with technologies such as iPads and Sphero Indi Robots during these workshops, conducted between September and December 2023.

Career Insight Days were also part of the pilot, with events hosted by Barclays UK and Deutsche Bank, among others, aiming to influence young women's educational and career paths in technology. 

Since the start of the pilot, over 100 students in years 8 and 9 have attended these sessions, which have been noted for their innovation and collaborative approach.

Feedback from the programme indicates a positive shift in students' attitudes towards technology careers, with 64% of participants now considering such paths, up from 29% before the sessions. Educators have unanimously praised the initiative for its effectiveness in motivating students towards tech careers, with all responding teachers reporting success in inspiring their students and noting high levels of student enjoyment and engagement.

Alex Langton, MCC Digital’s Head of Marketing and Communications, commented on the project's impact, "We are incredibly proud to be working with Tech She Can on such an innovative and impactful project. The pilot scheme has made a real difference. We’re looking forward to applying its principles more broadly, empowering students from all backgrounds to pursue careers in STEM.”


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