PowerSchool launches new AI-driven solutions to enhance student engagement and data analysis

PowerSchool, a leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education in North America, has announced the launch of two new AI-driven products: PowerBuddy for Learning Student Assistant and PowerBuddy for Data Analysis. 

These solutions are designed to address educational challenges such as learning loss and chronic absenteeism as schools prepare for the 2024-2025 academic year.

New Tools for Learning and Data Analysis

PowerBuddy for Learning, integrated within PowerSchool’s Schoology Learning Management System, provides students with personalised support. The AI assistant offers contextually relevant prompts tailored to their grade level, lesson content, and assignments, aiming to enhance the learning environment for students.

 Shivani Stumpf, Chief Product and Innovation Officer at PowerSchool, said: 

“PowerBuddy for Learning exemplifies the most practical and impactful at-scale deployment of personalised education for every student. By integrating seamlessly within PowerSchool Schoology, a platform used daily by millions of students, PowerBuddy meets each student where they are, provides the most relevant assistance aligned to what the student is learning, and the individualised support they need.

“This contextual awareness significantly increases engagement and accelerates the learning process, motivating students to achieve their highest potential and fully immerse themselves in their learning journey.”

Features of PowerBuddy for Learning:

  • Personalised Assistance: Offers support based on individual learning needs, aligned with state and district standards.

  • Intelligent Prompts: Encourages students to explore topics more deeply, enhancing their understanding and proficiency.

  • Socratic Interactions: Guides students to discover answers independently, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Integrated Learning: Accessible within the Schoology platform, ensuring a secure and seamless learning experience.

  • Security and Privacy: Adheres to Responsible AI principles with comprehensive security measures.

PowerBuddy for Data Analysis

PowerBuddy for Data Analysis aims to transform how educators and administrators handle data. This AI assistant allows users to interact with data using natural language, simplifying access, automating visualisations, and producing detailed analyses. This capability facilitates quicker and more informed decision-making processes.

Benefits of PowerBuddy for Data Analysis:

  • Simplified Data Access: Makes data analysis more accessible through natural language interaction, reducing the need for complex data manipulation.

  • Rapid Decision-Making: Provides quick insights, visualisations, and trends, facilitating timely decisions.

  • Operational Efficiency: Reduces workload for technical teams by automating data requests and visual narratives.

Michael Marassa, Chief Technology Officer at New Trier Township High School District 203, said:

“PowerBuddy for Data Analysis streamlines the process of building out data requests for our programmer analysts. By learning over time, PowerBuddy significantly increases our efficiency in handling these requests.”

Pilot Programme and Future Implementation

The new AI solutions were piloted by school districts representing over 1.5 million students, based on PowerSchool’s Responsible AI principles. Both PowerBuddy for Learning and PowerBuddy for Data Analysis are now available, offering tools to enhance student engagement and streamline data analysis.

Stumpf continued:

“PowerBuddy for Data Analysis allows districts to harness the full potential of their data. With its intuitive natural language interface, users can now ‘talk to their data,’ transforming complex analyses that could take hours into immediate, actionable insights within minutes.

“This transformation allows for a genuine data-driven decision-making culture, removing barriers that previously limited non-specialists or non-experts from accessing and effectively utilizing data to maximize impact on student achievement, educator effectiveness, district operations, and parent engagement.”


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